
Unipol entered into a number of different international commitments that guide our internal practices and policies and help define our approach to sustainability.

  • UN Global Compact

    In 2018, the Unipol Group joined the UN Global Compact, a United Nations project established in 2000 to encourage companies all over the world to adopt sustainable policies and make their results public. The Global Compact requires its participating companies and organisations to agree, sustain and apply a set of basic principles within their sphere of influence, regarding human rights, working standards, environmental protection and the fight against corruption.

  • UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

    Climate change, health and well-being, decent work and economic growth, sustainable towns and communities were chosen as priority issues in our vision of sustainability, and therefore the Group undertakes to significantly help achieve sustainable development goals through the realisation of its strategies.

  • Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance

    In the spring of 2022, Unipol joined the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance to reduce the emissions of its investment portfolios to zero net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050 and to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the engagement of the investee companies. The tracking data are reported in the financial statements and on TCFD.

  • Task-Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD)

    In November 2020, Unipol became a supporter of the Task Force on Climate-Related Disclosures to reinforce its commitment to report on climate-related information.

  • Principles for Sustainable Insurance

    A marzo 2021, Unipol è diventato firmatario di UNEP FI Principles for Sustainable Insurance per rafforzare il contributo come gestori del rischio e investitori alla sostenibilità economica, sociale e ambientale, in altre parole, sviluppo sostenibile.

  • Principles for Responsible Investment

    Unipol became a signee of UNEP FI Principles for Sustainable Insurance in March 2021 to strengthen the contribution as risk manager and investor in economic, social and environmental sustainability, in other words, sustainable development.

  • CDP

    Unipol publishes its environmental performance through the CDP which encourages companies to be more open, inter alia, about their greenhouse gas emissions. Click here to find out more about CDP.

  • Talanoa (ex Paris Pledge for Action)

    Unipol (as it had previously done for the Paris Pledge for Action) subscribed to the Talanoa Call for Action, a declaration of commitment organised as a series of actions agreed by governments and companies at the Talanoa Dialogue organised by the European Commission in June 2018; the aim is to limit global warming to below 2°C as agreed in the Paris Agreement for climate change, doing everything possible to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C. This position is in line with the Group’s commitment to support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and society through its strategic choices and business processes. Visit the website “Talanoa Dialogue”.

  • Equal Opportunity Charter

    The Unipol Group constantly strives to create a work environment that ensures equal opportunities for everybody and recognises individual potential and skills. In order to reinforce this commitment, Unipol adopted the “Equal Opportunities and Equality at Work Charter” which sets out the basic principles that Unipol uses to construct - with involvement by the Corporate Equal Opportunities Commission - inclusiveness initiatives in the world of work, with specific focus on equal opportunities for men and women. Placing value on diversity at Unipol both works to actively combat discrimination and helps build business competitiveness and success.

  • Integrated Reporting

    Unipol’s goal is to inform our main stakeholder groups of the strategies, performance and approach taken to create long-term value (both financial and non-financial). The Annual Integrated Report is drawn up for that purpose in accordance with the standards of the International Integrated Reporting Council “Integrated Reporting Framework”.

Corporate merger notice

On January 1, 2025, as a result of the merger by incorporation of UnipolSai Assicurazioni into Unipol Gruppo, Unipol Assicurazioni becomes operational.