Unipol Group Observatories

Unipol Group Observatories

The accurate picture of reality painted by the proprietary Observatories consolidates the Unipol Group’s reputation as an innovating force in Italy’s development and keeps it perfectly in step with the expectations of its stakeholders.

The contribution of the Reputational & Emerging Risk Observatory is crucial for identifying emerging trends; the UniSalute Observatory is a benchmark for understanding the evolution of supplementary health insurance and welfare; the UnipolSai Observatory on driving habits in Italy takes a close look at national and regional driving habits in Italy; the European Safety Observatory, overseen by the Unipolis Foundation, investigates the perception of social security and insecurity in Italy, setting it in the European context. Changes tells, with specialists' help, the changes in society and the new social and economic geographies.

Mapping and analysis of the role of the Observatories in corporate communications in Italy (SCS Consulting)

Focus on


Emerging Trends

The Reputational & Emerging Risk Observatory monitors changes in the external environment. The contribution of the Reputational & Emerging Risk Observatory is crucial to identify emerging trends and open a window on the future.

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The UniSalute Healthcare Observatory, launched in 2011, examines the world of supplementary health insurance and Italian perceptions of issues like prevention, trust, expertise, knowledge of public and private health services.

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The European Safety Observatory was launched in 2010 by the Unipolis Foundation, Demos&Pi and Osservatorio di Pavia with the aim of permanently investigating and examining the social perception of safety.

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Changes is the publishing platform of Unipol Group that observes and tells the changes in society and the new social and economic geographies. Since 2021 it has been enriched with a "Studies and research" area in collaboration with research institutes.

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