Annual Report

The Annual Corporate Governance Report provides the periodic and analytical illustration regarding the corporate governance system and the ownership structure of Unipol Assicurazioni S.p.A.' (formerly Unipol Gruppo S.p.A.) and is drawn up in compliance with the principles of the Corporate Governance Code for listed companies.

The aforementioned document contains the main information on the profile of the Company and the Gruppo Unipol, on the ownership structure of the issuer - and in particular on the structure of the share capital and on the shareholding structure - on the administration and control system adopted and on the activities carried out in relation to sustainability. Detailed information is provided relating, among other things, to the composition and functioning of the corporate bodies, the management of corporate information, the internal Board Committees, the description of the internal control and risk management system, as well as the procedure relating to transactions with related parties

The report also contains information relating to the procedures in place regarding market abuse and Internal Dealing, the Organization and Management Model (OMM), without forgetting the Charter of Values and the Code of Ethics that identify the Group.