Sharing Culture

CUBO is the Unipol Group’s company museum, created in 2013 to share experiences through the language of culture and, in particular, it:

  • Shares Unipol’s identity, cultural heritage and history, translating the challenges of the Group into stories, experiences and journeys. It is the custodian of Unipol’s memory, gathering testimonies of the past as a stimulus for the future actions of the Group;  
  • Communicates the social role of insurance through the language of culture and art, always placing the person at the centre of our initiatives;
  • Promotes innovation through educational initiatives and experiences that demonstrate the impact of technology on important issues for the Group, such as risk perception and safety;
  • Spreads the value of responsibility by offering cultural events and insights that improve quality of life, proof of the Group’s real commitment to be close to people and their needs;
  • Encourages socialisation as a meeting place for people, where different experiences mix and diversity is appreciated. It works in partnership with local, national and international talents to spread the values of the company, aware that culture is the main tool for social development, inclusion and dialogue;
  • Collects the historical material of Group companies, taking care of its research, acquisition, inventory, cataloguing, conservation, arrangement and exhibition:
    • Enhances, promotes and spreads awareness of Unipol’s artistic, cultural and value heritage;
    • Plans, designs and creates exhibitions, meetings, seminars, conferences and cultural events in general, also in collaboration with other public and private entities;
    • Promotes educational and outreach activities, also in collaboration with both Italian and foreign schools, universities, cultural and research institutions;
    • Participates in the integrated system of metropolitan and regional museums, and collaborates with public and private entities and institutions operating in the cultural sector at a local, national and international level;
    • Cooperates with institutions for the conservation of artistic and historical heritage, in agreement with the bodies and offices responsible for its protection. 

CUBO holds meetings, workshops, educational activities and performances year-round, offering the public opportunities for further study, discussion and entertainment with regard to current affairs, protection, innovation, art and memory. 

CUBO initiatives target a broad audience:

  • Teens aged 12 to 17, with winter workshops and summer camps;
  • Secondary schools, with teaching modules on a range of topics including protection, proposing safe driving simulators and multimedia games on wellbeing and home safety; 
  • Adults, with meetings on current affairs, specialist workshops, memorial events, contemporary art exhibitions and shows organised by the Group’s historical archives, as well as educational courses, specialist summer camps, workshops and lessons;
  • Families, with dedicated events and performances;
  • Law enforcement officers, with refresher courses on legislation and controls related to road accidents;
  • Group employees, with exclusive dedicated initiatives.

CUBO is run by specifically assigned employees who organise the management of exhibition spaces and the services entrusted, in compliance with current legislation:

  • the guidelines of Regional Law 18/2000 and the related Council resolution;
  • the mandatory requirements defined by the Institute of Cultural Heritage (Istituto dei Beni Culturali, IBC);
  • the professional requirements and qualifications for museums in the Emilia-Romagna Region;
  • as regards the management of artistic heritage:
    • the current regulations, guidelines and the standards defined by Ministerial Decree dated 10 May 2001;
    • the ministerial regulations of the Central Catalogue and Documentation Institute (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione, ICCD);
    • regulations on digital cataloguing (MUSEO UGF and SAMIRA applications);
    • the conservation standards required by law. 

CUBO guarantees visitors free access without any discrimination or prejudice. Impartial conduct is at the basis of our operators’ activities and is constantly ensured. The Centre also guarantees access to visitors with disabilities through the presence of suitable facilities and routes.



Historical Archive

The Historical Archive was born and is configured as the historical memory. It is the function dedicated to the conservation and enhancement of its documentary heritage.

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Artistic Heritage

The Artistic Heritage, the result of various collector’s events and the result of merger processes with other insurance companies, contains important works and spans over a century of Italian art.

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Social Hub

Where to find us

CUBO - Sharing Culture

Piazza Sergio Vieira de Mello, 3 and 5,
40128 Bologna
Tel. +39 051 5076060