Social Impact

Reducing inequality with accessible, digital solutions is a fundamentally important element to maintain social cohesion and protect households and businesses. The areas of action to reduce vulnerability in society include health, longevity, agriculture and other sensitive economic sectors that are significant for a resilient society and a low emission economy.

Starting from the evolution of social and cultural values that include consumer and investor demand, the growing importance assumed by big data, geopolitics, climate change, demographic, technological evolution and economic transition, the Group continues to develop solutions to prevent and protect people, businesses and territories.

The main actions we take are as follows:

  • Welfare/Health

    The welfare model which incorporates insurance healthcare solutions and the development of digital services accessible to our customers to ensure a healthy life and promote wellbeing in all age categories.

  • Welfare/Life

    The range of protection products and services taking a life-cycle approach which reinforces the needs assessments based on Customer requirements at the different stages of their lives. The Group has been focused on the ESG component of its range of products and services for some time now in the savings and investment areas.

  • Agricolture

    Support for the adaptation of agricultural businesses thanks to our knowledge and risk solutions.

  • Economic sector/PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan)

    Development of the range of products and services for corporations and SMEs operating in economic sectors that are sensitive to the transition through technological innovation and the development of internal and external data-based algorithms to take advantage of the opportunities linked to the PNRR (national recovery and resilience plan).

  • Technology

    We use technology to provide affordable coverage for a higher number of types of risk at all levels of income and guarantee the efficient management of claims. 

    Application of telematic devices and intelligent analyses to improve our awareness of the risk and consultation given to improve the prevention, reduction and management of claims. Customers are offered a digital experience that is fast, user-friendly, simplified and that incorporates the ethical aspects to provide cover for the risks of digital societies.

The Group regularly presents a selection of the insurance and non-insurance activities that help make society and the Italian economy more resilient in the sustainability reports. (Discover more in Sustainability Report - UnipolSai and in Integrated Consolidated Financial Statements - Unipol Group)

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