
General trend and Group ranking

The reputation of Italian companies



Reputational drivers relevance in the insurance sector



The factors that most influence reputation in the public opinion are different according to the business sector.

In the survey RepTrak®, the insurance sector the most important reputational factors are (1) Product & Services, (2) Conduct and (3) Leadership.


Reputational drivers performance in the insurance sector



67.7 is the average score of the companies, recorded in Italy, belonging to the segment ‘Insurance’, according to the ranking RepTrak®.


Unipol Group Reputation 


The 2022-2024 Strategic Plan sets the objective of maintaining Unipol's reputation above the sector average, confirmed in 2023.

However, the commitment on which the Group measures itself is more challenging: to remain permanently in the strong reputational range (score > 70 pt) and to guarantee a stable growth trend for the index».

The Group confirms as the level of Risk Appetite the maintenance of the RepTrak® Pulse Score index among the "Public Opinion" stakeholder above the threshold of 60, the lower limit of the "Average/Moderate" band.