Climate Strategy


Aware of the triple role that the Unipol Group has to play in tackling climate change as risk carrier (to manage the technical insurance risk), risk manager (manager of the physical risk) and investor (institutional investor), and the path towards decarbonisation set out by the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) to achieve the targets to reduce the increase in the average global temperature pursuant to the Paris Agreement, the Board of Directors of Unipol Group adopted the Unipol Group strategy on climate change in June 2022 (updated in 2023), to specify how the Group is organising itself to face the risks and take advantage of the opportunities connected to the climate, defining new medium-long term targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions along its path to achieve decarbonisation.

The documents in this section are currently being updated following the merger by incorporation – effective from January 1, 2025 – into Unipol Gruppo S.p.A. of UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A. and the consequent change of the company name to Unipol Assicurazioni S.p.A..