Behaviour with Customers

Over time, the Group has disseminated a culture of accessibility and transparency towards all levels of the company, and has defined strict control procedures that involve the various company units in order to ensure that commitments made with customers are met. The protection of customers and their rights is of decisive importance to confirm and win their confidence.

To this end, the Group promotes the value of integrity and good business practice to ensure fairness and promptness in its customer relations.

Our main goals in our Customer relations are as follows:

  • Quality, Listening and Transparency

    Through numerous and continuous listening and involvement initiatives, the Group companies deepen their awareness of the needs and expectations of existing and potential Customers, while simultaneously monitoring the developments and transformations in the market and the society in order to adjust their offer of products and services to guarantee a mutually beneficial relationship with their customers based on rapid, customised assistance and consultation.

  • Simplification and Accessibility

    Group companies use digitalisation to ensure flexible systems that can simplify relations with customers who are offered a range of universally accessible, innovative products and services that take account of both the requirements of the public-customers and also the language they use and their lived experience.

  • Integrated, socially geared offer of products and services

    The broad range of products and services offered by Group companies means that they are also available to market segments marked by situations of potential economic and social exclusion. Targeted responses were defined to meet their requirements in order to allow them to access insurance products and protect savings in a useful, simple way, without exploitive intent (Discover more in Social Impact). We regularly present a selection of our initiatives in our Sustainability Reports to ensure proper behaviour with respect to our customers

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