Purchase of treasury shares to service the compensation plan based on financial instruments approved by Unipol Gruppo Finanziario

2016 Aug 11 - 18:17

With reference to the press release dated 5 August 2016 regarding the start, on 8 August 2016, of the programme for the purchase of treasury shares (the “Treasury Shares”) by Unipol Gruppo Finanziario S.p.A. (“UGF” or the “Company”) to service the compensation plan based on financial instruments of the performance share type intended for the management staff of the Company for the years 2016- 2018, the following should be noted.

Pursuant to and in accordance with Article 87-bis of the CONSOB Issuers’ Regulation and in compliance with the community regulations on safe harbour and market practices permitted by CONSOB pursuant to Article 180, paragraph 1, point c) of the Consolidated Law on Finance, on 8, 9, 10 August 2016 the Company purchased 600,000 Treasury Shares on the regulated market, for a total of € 1,529,089.86.

Pursuant to the aforementioned provisions, the details of the purchase transactions performed are attached hereto, with specification of the number, respective prices and times of execution.

Moreover, it should be noted that with the above transactions, UGF completed its buy-back programme.

As at the date hereof, UGF holds a total of 4,760,207 Treasury Shares (equal to approximately 0.66% of its share capital).