The Linear Tribe is born

Linear completely redesigns its website for the purpose of usability, with new features and initiatives, including the abandonment of the “Onlinear” designation. Thus is created with innovative services. Simultaneously, the concept of Linear Tribe emerges and, with it, the first online insurance community. The exchange of questions and answers takes place by e-mail on the Linear platform and not using the customers’ e-mail account, thereby protecting the right to privacy of the involved parties. Linear does not operate any type of filter or moderation on message exchanges but merely intervenes whenever a customer reports any misuse.

The advantage of this initiative is not confined to customers who exchange useful information: for each person to whom the customer responds at least once, Linear donates € 0.50 to a non-profit organization chosen by the customer from among the two proposals of Linear: Doctors Without Borders, to realize the project “Mission Indonesia”, or Gli amici di Luca (Luca’s Friends) to complete the “the House of Awakening” project.