Agreement on industrial relations in the Unipol Group

On 8 April, a framework agreement is reached between Unipol and the trade unions of the various Group companies on industrial relations. Unipol undertakes to:

  • in case of staffing needs, use forms of permanent employment, including through turn-over and mobility within the Group;
  • in corporate integration and merger processes, confirm the orientation to optimize resources through the adoption of organizational plans to safeguard the professionalism acquired;
  • discuss in advance with the trade unions more appropriate conditions to address the problems arising from any possible geographical or professional mobility;
  • when seconding workers, ensure the maintenance of financial and regulatory conditions and trade union rights accrued in the home companies;
  • give information to the trade union organizations on collective secondment and notify any past individual secondment.
Corporate merger notice

On January 1, 2025, as a result of the merger by incorporation of UnipolSai Assicurazioni into Unipol Gruppo, Unipol Assicurazioni becomes operational.