On 4 February, the corporate supplementary agreement is signed. The supplementary agreement further strengthens the system of relations based on participatory mechanisms and employee involvement in enterprise development, which has marked the previous supplementary contracts. Furthermore, with regard to working time, the same is set for all the staff at 37 hours per week. On the issue of working time flexibility, the Company and the trade union organizations undertake to seek solutions capable of reconciling the needs of the enterprise and workers. Regarding permits, in addition to those already provided in case of illness of children, permits for medical visits, medical tests, and therapeutic care are also introduced.
A distinctive aspect of the agreement is the introduction of the Premio Aziendale Individuale (PAI, individual Company bonus) for 6th and 7th level workers.
As part of the insurance coverage, in addition to improving the conditions provided for in case of hospitalization for major surgical procedures, dental and orthodontic care and the conditions of the insurance coverage provided in the event of occupational accidents, non-occupational accidents, and death, specific insurance coverage is also provided in cases of illnesses that cause the termination of the employment relationship.