On 17 February 1982, a corporate supplementary agreement is signed. It addresses and introduces various contractual clauses that can be defined as cutting edge. Among others:
- commitment to the reduction of working hours (from 38 hours per week to 37 hours and 30 minutes),
- extension of work flexibility in force at the headquarters for the claims settlement offices;
- experimental introduction of the part-time system (4 hours per day over 5 days)
- provision of facilitations and permits for student workers;
- establishment of a bilateral Commission for the examination of cases in which there are issues in the evaluation of the job performed;
- adoption of insurance coverage, borne by the Company, in addition to coverage provided by the National Collective Bargaining Agreement and in particular:
- accident policy
- occupational hazards
- non-occupational accident policy
- per diem hospitalization
- Group life insurance policy
- adoption of a policy to reimburse expenses incurred for dental care
- establishment of a fund for loans which employees can draw from for taking out personal loans
- granting of loans for the purchase of cars for business use provision of an investment plan for economic and social housing projects in close relationship with the Cooperative Movement and local authorities concerned.