Life DERRIS project

In 2015, the project LIFE DERRIS began. This is the first European project that joins public administration, businesses and the insurance sector for the purpose of mitigating risks caused by extraordinary climate events. The project was led by Unipol with its partners ANCI, CINEAS, the City of Turin, the Italian local Agenda 21 Coordination, and Unipolsai.

The project objectives were to:

  • test and implement innovative forms of public-private partnerships between insurance companies, PA and businesses in order to increase the resilience of local communities
  • promote a greater culture of risk by organizing training activities, thus transferring knowledge from insurance companies to public administrations and SMEs
  • make adequate tools available to SMEs for the prevention and management of climate risks.

The project developed a simple and immediate tool (CRAM tool) that gives SMEs the possibility to comprehend which risks they are exposed to in the event of extreme weather and climate events and which solutions could be adopted within their companies to prevent damage.

Following the pilot event held in Turin between October 2016 and April 2017, project DERRIS replicated the experiment with 14 other local authorities: Alghero, Almese, Avigliana, Bassiano, Bologna, Genoa, Milan, Molfetta, Padua, Pescara, Rovereto, Udine, Varese and the joint municipalities of the Empoli and Valdelsa area.