Issuance by UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A. of a subordinated “Tier 2” instrument in dematerialised form for a nominal amount of up to euro 750 million

2024 May 15 - 09:15

The Board of Directors of UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A. (“UnipolSai” or the “Company”) authorised the issuance by the Company of a Euro-denominated, fixed rate subordinated Tier 2 instrument, to be issued in dematerialised form and to be held through Euronext Securities (formerly Monte Titoli), for a maximum nominal amount of up to Euro 750 million (the “Issuance” and the “Tier 2”). The Tier 2 will be distributed exclusively among domestic and international qualified investors (with the exception of US investors) and is expected to be listed on the professional segment of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange’s regulated market.

Read the complete press release.