MISANO - SOFAN with Nico Cereghini

Past event

On Sunday 10 September at 1:30 pm, the third episode of Sofan returns, the live stream on the UnipolSai Corporate Facebook page that will air during the Italian MotoGP stage in San Marino and the Rimini Riviera.

Nico Cereghini will comment the #SanMarinoGP from the travelling couch before and after the event along with two members of the Prato Ducati Owner Club, brother and sister Fabrizio Biscardi and Antonella Biscardi.

The next episodes of Sofan will stream from Sepang (29 October) and Valencia (12 November) in the company of Nico Cereghini, Bstaaard and some very special guests.

On Saturday, 9 September, Unipol will also appear in the national papers Corriere della Sera, Gazzetta dello Sport, QS Sport, TuttoSport, Corriere dello Sport and Sportweek magazine with a print ad dedicated to the thirteenth stage of the MotoGP.

Ready to live this adventure with us? Interact with our guests by writing your questions in the comments section.

#forzaducati #vicinidasempre