The PO River Park

Villanova sull'Arda and Polesine Parmense
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The “PO River Park 390-410” project, presented by Unipol Group and Legambiente on 6 October 2016, has completed an initial experimental section of the Po River Park, with the main goal starting a process for the recovery of these areas in the name of citizens, transforming the same into naturalistic paths to be explored in complete safety, also accessible to people with motor disabilities.

The project – born from the collaboration of the Unipol Group with Legambiente in “Bellezza Italia” – aims to protect and enhance the natural and social heritage of land in the towns of Polesine Parmense, Zibello, Roccabianca and Villanova sull’Arda, through the rediscovery of places that will become open air classrooms involving schools in environmental education and ecological and hydrobiological research. Bicycle and pedestrian paths have been created as well as rest areas and water sports facilities, with rowing also possible for people with disabilities thanks to the cooperation of Polisportiva Gioco Parma. The restoration also intends to revive internal paths and old cart tracks in the park, historically used to access the river’s floodplain.

The “PO 390-410” aims to rebuild the link between these areas – defined the “Biosphere Reserve” – and young locals in order to avoid demographic abandonment and to encourage sustainable development through the creation of professional activities to keep the park alive.

The initiative is part of a broader context: in fact, Legambiente is promoting a proposal for a MaB Unesco Reserve” along the mid-section of the Po river valley.