Bike Summit 2017

Rome - Via Casilina 5 - Centro Congressi AIL
Past event

Presentation L’A BI CI - First report on the bicycle economy in Italy and cycling within cities

The presentation of the first two extensive and detailed national surveys on the economic value of the bicycle in our country and on cycling levels and infrastructure of 100 major cities is the best opportunity for discussing about the green economy and new mobility with companies, institutions, experts, and citizens.

Bike Summit 2017, organized by Legambiente in collaboration with VeloLove and GRAB+, wants to give space to those Italians who already cycle and the many good practices that have made town centers and their hinterland bike friendly. At the same time, Bike Summit 2017 wants to pedal towards the future, highlighting which strategies to put in place to safely increase the use of bicycles in town and seize the opportunities provided by cycling routes and cycling tours.

Bike Summit is part of URBANITAS-time to spring up, a forum that obtained the UNHABITAT patronage as an event participating in the World Urban Campaign and that was born with the general objective of contributing to the definition of an Urban Agenda for Italian historic cities that meets the challenges posed by environmental, economic and cultural changes.