Fire risk and the evolution of insurance protection at the Unipol Group.
From 10 September to 13 October 2018, the Historical Archive of CUBO - Centro Unipol Bologna (Unipol exhibition centre in Bologna) will be organising the exhibition “Impresae da raccontare. Il rischio incendio e l'evoluzione della tutela assicurativa nel Gruppo Unipol” (The story of Impresae: fire risk and the evolution of insurance protection at the Unipol Group) in Bologna.
The exhibition, which will be moving to the Unipol Group offices in Milan from 22 October to 31 October 2018, presents a path that illustrates the historical phases of Fire coverage, one of the oldest, offering visitors the opportunity to retrace the history of this particular insurance branch. Through images and documents, the exhibition gives testimony, in history and current times, of the struggle of mankind against fire and its damage.
Plaques, documents, policies, and posters coming from the Historical Archive of CUBO - thanks to the collaboration of the Technical and Settlement Area of the Unipol Group -, from the Historical Museum of the Fire Brigade of Milan, and from national and international insurance adjusting firms will be on display.
With this exhibition, the commitment of CUBO to promote the Company’s historical and documentary heritage continues, each time focusing on key issues of the insurance business culture.
The exhibition has received the patronage of the European Union as an event of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.