In conjunction with the large international contemporary art exhibition Arte Fiera, to be held in Bologna from 27 to 30 January, CUBO - Centro Unipol Bologna presents the exhibition “Pleasant Places”, by digital artist Davide Quayola. The “digital painting” exhibition, on show until 1 April, opens on Wednesday 25 January at 6:00 pm and is a tribute to the final period of the life of Vincent van Gogh.
The CUBO program will continue with a number of initiatives, including the ARTRIBUNE PARTY on Saturday 28 January, from 8:00 pm until midnight, held for the ART CITY White Night.
The last event is scheduled for Sunday 29 January at 3:00 pm: the artist Quayola will meet with the public and present his works, which involve the viewer in the aesthetic experience of the “technological sublime”, the result of interaction between man, nature, art and technology.