Further to the press release 28 June last, UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A. (“UnipolSai” or the “Company”) hereby announces that, following IVASS (the Italian Insurance Supervisory Authority) authorisation pursuant to and in accordance with Article 201, Legislative Decree No. 209 of 7 September 2005 and Article 23 of the IVASS Regulation no. 14/2008, the following documents relating to the cross-border merger by absorption of UnipolRe D.A.C. into UnipolSai (the “Cross-Border Merger” or the “Merger”) has been made available to the public at the registered office today, pursuant to Article 70, paragraph 7, lett. a) of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99:
- Common draft terms of Cross-Border Merger approved by the Board of Directors of the companies participating in the Merger (the “Common Draft Terms”).
- Report of the board of directors of UnipolSai and Report of the board of directors of UnipolRe D.A.C. in relation to the Cross-border Merger.
- Balance sheets of the last three years of the companies participating in the Merger.
The documents has been published on the Company’s website under the section governance/extraordinary-transactions/merger-plans, as well as on the authorised storage mechanism eMarket Storage managed by Teleborsa S.r.l. (www.emarketstorage.com).
Please read the complete press release.