Corporate/industrial restructuring project of the Milano Assicurazioni commercial networks

2010 Apr 29

Approval by the board of directors of Fondiaria-Sai S.p.A. and Milano Assicurazioni S.p.A. of the conferment project by Milano Assicurazioni to Liguria Assicurazioni and Liguria Vita S.p.A of the commercial networks business unit which distributes SASA and SASA VITA brand products.

Fondiaria-SAI S.p.A. (“FONSAI”), Milano Assicurazioni S.p.A. (“MILANO”) and its subsidiaries Liguria Assicurazioni S.p.A. (“LIGURIA”) and Liguria Vita S.p.A. (“LIGURIA VITA”) announced today the approval by the respective Board of Directors of a corporate/industrial reorganisation project, to be implemented through a share capital increase of Liguria and Liguria Vita in accordance with article 2441, paragraph 1, of the Civil Code, reserved to Milano, through conferment of the Milano business unit dedicated to the agency networks which distributes brand products, respectively SASA and SASA VITA (hereafter: the “SASA BUSINESS UNIT”).

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